Beauty KOL 齊賀美聯國際 & FMH進軍香港
一眾美容界網紅出席美聯國際 & FMH 體驗分享酒會,大家玩得好開心,又體驗到香港最新引入的基因槍技術。今次美聯集團引入了很多全新美容技術,將medical spa的概念傳承升華,醫美界又有新突破了!
一眾美容界網紅出席美聯國際 & FMH 體驗分享酒會,大家玩得好開心,又體驗到香港最新引入的基因槍技術。今次美聯集團引入了很多全新美容技術,將medical spa的概念傳承升華,醫美界又有新突破了!
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A lot of beauty KOL joint the The Mege Union & FMH Celebration. We got much fun in the event and the beauty KOL were interested in the Hong Kong’s latest introduction of Bio-jet facial treatment. Mege Union brought us many new beauty technologies to sublimate the traditional medical spa. Today, Medical beauty industry had a new breakthrough!
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