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BELOTERO® Dermal Fillers

In order to achieve a real skin improvement effect, hyaluronic acid must be injected into different layers of the skin to achieve immediate, long-lasting and obvious results.

The Swiss-made Belotero® range of products caters to your skin’s every need to smooth, lift and contour your skin, restoring its hydrated and youthful appearance with natural, long-lasting results.

No matter when and where, BELOTERO® can make you confident and look your best at all times.

BELOTERO® hyaluronic acid is made in Switzerland and has been certified by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA and the European Union CE. It adopts a unique patented multi-density aggregation (CPM®) technology, which has good cohesion, elasticity and plasticity, and a high degree of integration with the skin. The effect is natural.

Discover now how BELOTERO® makes it easy to look confident.

貨號: T05-1 分類: ,


BELOTERO® series hyaluronic acid adopts the unique CPM (multi-density aggregation) technology, which makes the cohesion, elasticity and plasticity of hyaluronic acid reach an ideal balanced ratio, ensuring a good integration with the skin1, and can meet the different needs of specific skin layers.

  • BELOTERO products have passed the US FDA approval* and the EU CE certification
  • BELOTERO treatment is almost painless
  • BELOTERO can reduce the chance of blue light reaction
  • BELOTERO is highly satisfied by users

Precautions after treatment

  • Avoid facial massage, vigorous exercise, prolonged sun exposure or extreme heat, and drinking alcohol within 24 hours, otherwise the treated area may have temporary redness and/or itching
  • Avoid pressing the treatment area for a week, including facial beauty treatments
  • Avoid sauna/steam bath for two weeks
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants or vitamins.

Before & After


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