cooltech is the most exclusive and safe device for cryoadipolysis treatments. Its innovative system enables to simultaneously use two handpieces, which provides visible results from the first session as well as a great profitability for the clinic center and the doctor.
It is a non-invasive procedure with no need for recovery time. The patient can return to his/her everyday life on the same day of the session.
What are the benefits of the cooltech treatment?
cooltech treatment allows the subcutaneous fat reduction in certain areas of the body by controlled cooling technology. For this purpose an adjustable applicator vacuum is used for cooling the fat tissue in a selective way, thus the apoptosis of the cells occurs.
How many sessions will i need?
It depends on the kind of patient. It can be between 1-3 sessions in the same area every 6-8 weeks.
How long does the treatment last?
We recommend a 70 minutes treatment session for each treated area. You also have to take into account the preparation time which ranges from 15 to 30 minutes.
It is painful?
It is a slightly painful method, but still tolerated by the patient. Some patients may feel some discomfort due to the very cold temperatures, but normally only during the first few minutes of the treatment.
When will the results be visible?
The results are visible from the first 15 days and optimal from the 12 weeks after the treatment.
How long does the recovery take?
The procedure allows the patients to return to their daily activity immediately. As the procedure is non-invasive, there is no need for any recovery time.
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