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CYTOCARE is a class III single-use sterile medical essence (CE 0499) manufactured by REVITACARE, for anti-oxidation, prevention and lightening of wrinkles and fine lines, epidermal moisturizing of the face, neck and back of the hands.

REVITACARE bio-activation technology is the first medical aesthetic treatment based on hyaluronic acid and multivitamins. It obtained CE certification in 2004. It is a recognized high-quality mark in the market and is highly respected by people from all walks of life.

CYTOCARE 532 is a resorbable implant that can be injected into the superficial or mid-dermis:

Deep action (maintains skin elasticity) + superficial action (protects skin from aggressors) = Anti-aging is the secret to maintaining youthful skin

貨號: T08-1 分類: , 標籤:


  • Instantly moisturizes skin after moisturizing
  • Long-lasting muscle bottom hydration
  • Antioxidant, purify melanin
  • Lighten fine wrinkles, whitening and rejuvenating


1. How long can the effect of CYTOCARE 532 hydrolight acupuncture treatment last?

The effect of the first course of treatment can last for about several months, after which maintenance treatment may be required to maintain the effect.

2. Will CYTOCARE 532 water-light injection have any side effects?

The original French product has won the European Union (CE) certification, safe and reliable without side effects.

3. Am I suitable for CYTOCARE 532 water light acupuncture treatment?

All are suitable except for the following persons

a. Injection site is inflamed/sensitive

b. to be pregnant

c. Hypersensitivity to ingredients

d. prone to scarring

e. Are taking anticoagulant drugs

f. Patients with severe hypertension/heart disease/diabetes

4. Can CYTOCARE 532 hydrolight acupuncture be done together with laser?
Yes, the spot-removing laser is mainly aimed at whitening and removing spots, and the water light gun just replenishes the water taken away by the heat of the laser.

Beofre & After


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