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SilkPeel® Dermal Infusion

貨號: T18 分類: , 標籤:


This is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure. The only technology to provide simultaneous exfoliation, evacuation and the delivery of condition-specific topicals, Silk Peel Dermal Infusion offers advanced skin care for almost every skin type and condition. Its diamond tip wand exfoliates damaged skin cells, evenly abrading the top layers of the skin in order to deliver targeted formulations to the dermis.

Be it acne, aging, pigmentation or other ailments commonly affecting the skin on the face or body, the Dermal Infusion process delivers specially formulated solutions deep into the skin without damaging its natural structure. Silk Peel is customizable, effective and offers immediate results with no downtime.

This clinically proven concept of the skin exfoliation can be used by itself as a way to optimize your Laser or MesoTherapy treatments or even as a finishing touch to a facial surgery procedure.

How does it work

We will choose one or more of our specialized treatment serums, formulated to address a variety of skin conditions. The SilkPeel® infuses these products deep into the skin where they are most effective. The solution doesn’t just sit on top of your skin like a lotion or cream would, instead the patented SilkPeel® handpiece deeply delivers the vitamins, antioxidants and other therapeutic ingredients that your skin needs most.

The proprietary formulations absorb down to where they will be most effective in brightening, clarifying, and hydrating your skin. Dermalinfusion® optimizes the benefits of exfoliation and the effects of the serums without the often uncomfortable and painful effects that people experience with most peels. If you have more than one skin condition that you would like to address, your practitioner may choose to pair multiple serums together, providing you with a customized regiment that completely targets your skin’s individual needs. And because SilkPeel® technology combines several different benefits in a single procedure, you can achieve more youthful skin in less time and see noticeable improvements with each and every session.


It will employs cutting-eddge peptide technology to improve the appearance of discolouration and achive a more even tone overall. The treatment offers an accelerated approach to brightening that is effective and without the risks or irritation of other brightening agents.

The Potent antioxidant formula helps to brighten, exfoliate and infuse your skin with an arsenal of targeted antioxidants toprotect against free-radical damage. such as sun, stress and pollution can take a toll on skin at any age. Also if your skin is looking tired and dull.

It is a nutrient-rich moisturizing formula developed quench the thirstiest skin. The hydrating procedure can be used independently or to increase patient satisfaction when combined with laser and other light base treatments.

It provides relief for the most sensitive, acne prone skin. It combines Salicylic Acid and Aloe to promote a clear complexion overall and improve the appearance of cystic and pustule acne.


What exactly is SilkPeel™?
SilkPeel™’s “wet abrasion” exfoliates the skin and simultaneously infuses a topical dermaceutical, addressing your specific skin condition and stimulating new cell growth to give your skin the revitalization you want.

Is it Safe?
Yes, SilkPeel™ is a safe, comfortable treatment. You are no longer exposed to the hazards of particulate microdermabrasion with SilkPeel™’s crystal-free technology. The equipment is thoroughly disinfected between every procedure.

How long does the procedure take?
Treatments typically last about 45 minutes. Plus, because the SilkPeel™ delivers a dermaceutical during treatment, your post-treatment protocol is quick and easy.

Will there be any pain or discomfort?
The exfoliation may cause you a mild tightening of the skin. Combined with the cool, moisturizing effect of the topical, your skin will feel healthy and smooth.

Do you have a topical for my skin condition?
SilkPeel™ addresses the most common skin conditions with topical for hydrating, skin lightening, and acne.

What will my skin look like after a treatment?
Your skin will have an immediate, radiant glow that leaves you looking healthy and renewed.

Will I miss work or have to alter my social schedule?
SilkPeel™ is easily performed within 20 minutes so you can promptly return to your normal activities.

How long does it take to see results?
You will see visible results after the first treatment and will achieve optimal results after 4 to 6 treatments spaced 7 to 10 days apart, supplemented by a daily post-care routine.

Before and After


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