Thermage® FLX Can Help
- Forehead lines
- Upper and lower eyelids
- Crow’s feet
- Bags under eyes
- Smile lines
- Frown lines
- Jawline
- Neck lines
- Other body parts including arms, back of hands, waist, back, hip, thighs, knees etc.
Thermage® is a non-invasive therapy that smooths, tightens and contours skin to regain youth and beauty. The 4th generation system uses patented monopolar radiofrequency technology to create a uniform heating effect in the deep collagen-rich dermal layer. The heat stimulates existing collagen to achieve immediate tightening effect. It also promotes the growth of new collagen for results with continual improvement. Featuring the innovative AccuREP™ technology, the new Thermage® FLX ensures perfect personalization of each treatment to address and improve the skin condition of each customer.
The Thermage® FLX system is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy that can help smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance.
Thermage® FLX is non-invasive – no cutting, no needles.
F – Faster
Thermage® FLX the new Total Tip 4.0 delivers energy that can penetrate as deep as 4.3mm under the skin to heat the dermal tissue up to 75°c. The heat is evenly distributed over the entire skin, allowing a multi-dimensional tightening effect. The new tip also covers 33% more surface skin area than the previous generation, making treatment time 25% faster.
L – aLgorithm
Thermage® FLX, the new energy delivery algorithm, AccuREP™, automatically measures and precisely tunes the amount of energy to ensure maximal efficacy of each treatment.
X – eXperience
The integration of the upgraded multidirectional vibration and the CPT™ (Comfort Pulse Technology™) interspersed cooling effect helps to reduce pain caused by the Thermage® FLX treatment and offers a more comfortable experience to customers.
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