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Ultra V Lift

貨號: T15 分類: , 標籤:


Ultra V Lift is a revolutionary procedure with promising results of Skin Tightening, Lifting and Face Rejuvenation. It has taken Korea by storm for its safe, fast and effective results. It is also referred to as the ‘Lunch Hour Facelift’ that achieves the most sought after jowl area tightening, lifting, double chin and or “V-shaped” face results.


  • Lift saggy skin on face & neck
  • Reduce & treat wrinkles
  • Improve cheek shape & contour
  • Get rid of double chin
  • Improve jawline contour
  • Improve skin quality by restoring lost collagen

How does it works

Ultra V Lift is a unique technology where fine threads called polydioxanone (PDO) that were commonly used in surgery are inserted into targets area under the skin to stimulate skin tissue. As a result, the skin tissues create new tissue fibroblasts and collagen, which produces a tightening effect from inside out. When saggy skin is tightened, it creates a more sculpted ‘V-shape’ face as well as smooth, silky skin.

During treatment, fine threads called polydioxanone (PDO) are used. PDO threads are especially designed micro filaments in a material that has been safely used in humans in plastic and ENT surgery for many years.

Ultra V Lift can be applied to anywhere on the face, such as eye corners, cheeks, double chin, neck, jowls area, forehead and laugh lines. The procedure can be tailored to suit your exact needs to ensure you are totally happy with the results.


  • Procedure is quick non-invasive, winning it the title of the “Lunch Hour Facelift”
  • Produces natural results without giving stiff facial expressions
  • Targets the core cause for skin aging ie loss of skin collagen & elastin matrix
  • Results improve naturally over time as the body produces more collagen
  • Procedure is without Cuts or Scars
  • Has minimal ” Down Time” compared to traditional surgical facelift


1.Is it safe?
Yes, it is safe. This treatment has been used extensively in Korea and Asia for a number of years, and is also getting popular in Europe. The methodology has been tried and tested and only qualified Medical Doctors are authorized to perform this treatment. This procedure is KFDA approved. The PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are listed as a class IV medical device which is absolutely safe, fully absorbent and hypoallergenic. The sutures are also heavy metal free, non-allergenic, doesn’t trigger immunogenicity mechanisms, has no significant side effects, and inflammatory reaction is very low.

2.Does it hurt?
NO…..topical anesthetic cream will be used to numb the area prior the procedure.

3.How long does it take?
The treated area will first be numbed by anesthetic cream for 30 minutes. Usually Ultra V Lift takes as little as 20 minutes to perform, however the length will depend on the number of filaments used and the areas being treated.

4.Will there be any downtime?
Once the procedure is completed you will be provided with aftercare instructions to follow. These will help to relieve any discomfort and help to speed up the process of healing. Most clients experience some mild swelling and bruises, but these are usually quick to settle. Recovery times are usually within a few days.

5.How long does the result last
Ultra V Lift’s lasting power depends on the age of the client at the time of procedure, the number of filaments used and the areas being treated. It should be noted that sagginess will return over time, but many doctors report that the results can last from anything between 6 months to 15 months.

6.Am I a right candidate?
Ultra V Lift is suited to men and women between the ages of 25 to 60. The procedure is most effective on skin which is saggy (not overly saggy), it offers the best results for cheeks, jowls, double chin, neck and brows area. Ultra V Lift is the ideal choice if you are put off by traditional surgery, as it is non-invasive and non-surgical and can be carried out with topical anesthetic

Before and After


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