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Your One-Step Solution—Contouring and Hydration!

Your One-Step Solution—Contouring and Hydration!

Your One-Step Solution—Contouring and Hydration!
BUY TEOXANE Resilient RHA 4 Treatment, GET TEOXANE Redensity I Free

From now on to 31 May,Our valuable customer can enjoy FREE TEOXANE Redensity I with purchase of TEOXANE Resilient RHA 4 Treatment.
Its unique gloss enhancement technology helps the skin replenish moisture, dilute the appearance of fine lines, and trim contours.

Teosyal® offers a range of 100% hyaluronic acid products that are non-animal, naturally decomposable and absorbable. Its unique gloss enhancement technology helps the skin replenish moisture, dilute the appearance of fine lines, and trim contours.

Teosyal®  Resilient RHA 4 Treatment:
It won the Best Dermal Filler 2017 in the 5th edition of the Anti-Ageing & Beauty Trophy hold by EuroMediCom. It can be applied to larger areas like nose, chin, plump cheeks, hands, lips, temple, cheek, and wrinkles.


Rednsity I: It helps the skin replenish moisture, diminish fine lines, reproduce shine, and can be applied to the eyes and lips, forehead, and neck lines.

Offer Terms and Conditions:

  • Each person can only use the discount once.
  • Can not be used in conjunction with other offers.
  • Offer is limited, first come first served.
  • Must make an appointment before using the offer.
  • Valid until 31 May 2018
  • In case of any dispute, The Face Magic Haven Medical Spa LTD reserves the final decision.


Click for booking∨∨



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