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Discovery Pico 皮秒激光

貨號: T09 分類: , 標籤:


Discovery PICO 由成立於1985年詫大利頂尖生產商 Quanta System 研製, Discovery PICO 為市場上提供最多治療選擇的皮秒激光儀器之一, 能輸出比一般皮秒激光高出超過一倍的能量,更能幫助醫生作出更佳的治療。 榮獲美國FDA及歐盟CE認證儀器,經認證能改善黑色素黑色素、去紋身、皺紋、凹疤四大煩惱; 可同時刺激皮膚內膠原蛋白再生,並收細毛孔,肌膚問題一網打盡,嫩肌重現。 治療效果優於現在的除斑雷射儀器:加速色素代謝、降低熱傷害、不易反黑、快速復原、提升單次治療效果顯著。

Discovery Pico適用人群

  • 有雀斑、曬斑、老人斑、荷爾蒙斑、黄褐斑、肝斑、胎記等各種頑固色斑人士
  • 能收細毛孔、撫平細紋、嫩膚美白,改善膚色暗沉不均、痘印、凹疤黑眼圈等問題,是想擁有白瓷肌的高要求人士首選;
  • 去紋身、洗眉,去眼缐亦適用

Discovery Pico原理

Discovery Pico美療前後

Discovery PICO

Discovery PICO

Developed by Quanta System, a leading producer in Italy since 1985.
Discovery PICO is one of the PICO laser instruments which offering the most treatment options in the market.It can output more than double laser energy, which can help doctors make better treatment.
Discovery PICO won US FDA and EU CE certified machine worldwide.
It has proven to four major concerns: reduce melanin, remove tattoos, reduce wrinkles and remove scars four troubles. It can also stimulate skin collagen regeneration, refine pores, resolve skincare problems and reappear optimal skin.
The treatment effect is better than laser machines: to accelerate the metabolism of pigment, reduce thermal damage, not easy to anti-black, rapid recovery and enhance the effect of a single treatment significantly.

貨號: T09 分類: , 標籤:

Suitable skincare

  • People with freckles, sunburn, the elderly spots, hormones, chloasma, liver spots, birthmarks and other stubborn stains
  • can refine pores, smooth fine lines, rejuvenation whitening, improve skin color dull uneven, acne scar, concave scar black circles and other issues Priority choice for people with demand of whitening skin
  • applicable to tattoos removal, eyebrows removal and eyeliner removal

Treatment before and after


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