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SIAX®Limited Time Sale $6000 for 3 areas! 28%off!

SIAX®Limited Time Sale $6000 for 3 areas! 28%off!

Siax®Limited Time Sale $6000 for 3 areas! 28%off!

Thanks to your support for the FMH, we offer the special Siax package for our  loyal clients.

Limited Time Sale $6000for  reducing 3 areas of  facial wrinkles / Face-lift.

A limited offer, please make an appointment in advance!

SIAX® is a natural, high-tech, purified protein that is easily absorbed and metabolized by the human body.It is effective to sooth excessively contracted muscles and thus help reducing wrinkles. Also, the product can also help to improve overactive muscles, allowing over-developed masticatory muscles to reduce contractile tension and achieve a fibrous surface.It is especially suitable for softening the trapezius (shoulder) lines for dynamic patterns (such as head-up lines and crow’s feet), desalinating wrinkles, V-faces, calf legs, face lifting, and sweat reduction.

  • Accredited by Korea KFDA in 2006
  • Recognized as a safe and effective product, research confirms that its safety and efficacy are similar to Botox®
  • Products sold in 60 countries and registered in 27 countries

Offer Terms and Conditions:

  • Each person can only use the discount once.
  • Can not be used in conjunction with other offers.
  • Offer is limited, first come first served.
  • Must make an appointment before using the offer.
  • In case of any dispute, The Face Magic Haven Medical Spa LTD reserves the final decision.


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