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DR CYJ Hair Filler

Treatment goals
The DR. CYJ formula and course of treatment developed by Dr. Zheng Yuchi, the father of Korean peptides, have achieved:
Prevents the discovery of hair loss, stimulates hair growth and restores the natural balance of the hair cycle.

  • Unique patent formula developed by Dr. Zheng Yuchi, father of Caregen peptides, and dozens of scientists
  • Contains seven US-certified US patent peptides for scalp health and hair growth
  • 7 functional peptides containing the essential and effective effects of hair growth
    (Decapeptide-18, Oligopeptide-54, Decapeptide-10, Octapeptide-2, Octapeptide-11, Oligopeptide-71, Decapeptide-28)
  • Plus vitamins and selected natural herbal extracts that promote blood circulation and high levels of antioxidant activity

貨號: T22 分類:

DR CYJ Hair Filler

Seven patented peptides containing the essential and effective effects of hair growth
Promotes healthy hair growth, rebuilds scalp and inhibits hair loss
Inject directly into the scalp, directly to hair follicles and stem cells, no doubt

Direct injection of DR.CYJ hairpin/Cock
Within the scope of the shadow of the scalp, once every two weeks.
In combination with Renokin Hair-Treatment Serum, Revitalizing Shampoo & Conditioner
best effect. 4-8 times for the initial treatment (depends on the severity of hair loss).

Applicable person

  • Hereditary Hair Loss in Men (Alopecia Stage 2 – 4 Most Suitable)
  • Or women (most suitable for hair loss stage 1-2)
  • Male or female with thin hair problems
  • Male or female with increased hair loss


Treatment Before & After


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